Course Profile:MCM219
2. Course Number: MCM:219, Summer Semester, 2001
3. Credit Hours: 3- Meets 5PM till 7:30 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays from June 4- July 27, 2001. Meets at Forest Park Campus-Room G-412.
4. Course Description:
This course is designed to give students a basic, extensible foundation in Flash design, implementation and programming. Students will fuse vector graphics with bitmaps, audio, animation, and interactivity to create effective multimedia Web experiences. In the process students will learn to incorporate the various hardware and software tools required, as well as best practices in a production environment.
5. Course Requirements
Flash 5! Creative Web Animation by Derek Franklin, Brooks Patton |
6. Learning Objectives (goals):
This course guides you through the fundamentals of the Flash 5 interface. It shows you how to create, manipulate and arrange your movie content and then how to publish your movie. Along the way it covers the basics of ActionScripting, and then moves onto more sophisticated ActionScripting and the principles of good site design.
7. ADA statement: Board Policy 2.15 -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) The Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which was enacted by Congress on July 26, 1990. Opportunities will be provided for qualified persons with disabilities in every activity, program, or service operated or sponsored by St. Louis Community College including, but not limited to employment, academic services and programs, and student services. The Board recognizes that compliance with the Act requires the awareness of all employees of St. Louis Community College and the commitment of institutional resources. Therefore, the Board directs the administration to consistently evaluate compliance with the ADA and to take appropriate steps to rectify institutional deficiencies in this regard.
Approved 7/15/93 Board Agenda - check this link for info fromn the Student handbook!
Any student in this class who needs special testing arrangements, notetaking or other accommodations, please feel free to discuss this with me.
The Access Office guides, counsels and assists students with disabilities. If you have accommodation needs (EXAMPLES: seating closer to the front of the class, a notetaker, extended- time for testing or any other approved accommodation), please make an appointment during the first week of classes to speak to me.
8. Minimum Course Requirements
Scale |
Assignment weight in percentages |
A |
90-100 |
Exploration Assignments |
20 |
B |
80-89 |
Tutorials |
20 |
C |
70-79 |
Midterm project |
20 |
D |
60-69 |
Final Project /Workbook: |
40 |
F |
below 60 |
Remember , one letter grade will
be deducted per unexcused absence after the first two. Your attendance
is the single most vital predictor of your success in the course!
Instructor Contact info: Anthony Foster <>
Voicemail : 314-595-2060. Please leave a message by phone or e-mail (better) if you cannot attend class.
All students registered in this class have the option of using the computers in the Campus Computing Center Room D-300 (no Flash there, ) and this room (G-412). Hours are posted on the door of G-412.
Office hours: via the web- I will get back to e-mail queries within 48 hours and usually much more quickly unless I tell you otherwise.
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